A. Čeferinas: Super League will not recover for at least ten years

UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin believes that the recently and unexpectedly launched and quickly concluded Super League project will be long forgotten. According to the leader, he doesn't expect radical changes in European football for at least a decade. "I was very disappointed when I heard about the creation of the Super League, almost like a conspiracy, initiated by some clubs. But in the end, this incident turned out to be beneficial, as it helped to clarify the real situation in European football. You can never say 'never,' but I think a similar case will not occur for at least the next ten years. The entire football community considers the behavior of the three remaining clubs in the Super League as shocking and unacceptable," clarified A. Ceferin. The president hopes that important innovations will be introduced in the Champions League in the future, such as a final four tournament. "I would support such a change, it would be good and effective in terms of revenue if everything is done correctly. Discussions are still ongoing and nothing has been decided yet. We liked the final eight tournament held in Portugal last year," he added.