A. Conte: J. Mourinho has always been a "small man" - that's how he will most likely always remain

Antonio Conte once again had to react to Jose Mourinho's comments and present his position.

Between these two managers, there is a black cat that has crossed paths - both coaches receive remarks from journalists at every press conference about what one or the other said and then present a different opinion.

Not long ago J. Mourinho provoked A. Conte by saying, "One thing he will never be punished for is pre-arranged matches." This was said by the Portuguese, referring to the fact that the coach was accused of this in the 2012-13 season, but A. Conte was later acquitted and now explained this to his colleague.

"Before saying something you always have to know the truth, and the truth is that a four-month ban was wrongly imposed on me. Everyone knows that I went to court and won that case. We all know the level of Mourinho," responded A. Conte.

Also, A. Conte tried to say that J. Mourinho is two-faced, which was perfectly demonstrated by the history with Claudio Ranieri.

"He showed that he is a 'little man.' That's what he was in the past, that's what he is now, and maybe that's what he will remain in the future. He is not my problem, as I simply see him as a 'little man' with not the best manners.

I remember the situation with Ranieri very well. He insulted Claudio for his poor English, but when 'Leicester' fired him, Mourinho put on a shirt with Ranieri's initials. This just showed what a fake personality he is," A. Conte concluded.