A. Griezmann denies discord with L. Messi © AP

Antoine Griezmann rejected rumors about discord with Lionel Messi. The French national team striker confirmed that his relationship with the Barcelona star is not bad and never has been, and all the negative information spread from gossip. "All the news about my bad relationship with L. Messi only formed from people's gossip. Everyone was giving their opinion and it could have caused a lot of damage and doubts about my relationships. I have a lot of respect for Lionel," said A. Griezmann. Griezmann also mentioned that when he arrived at the club, L. Messi was a bit hurt. "I talked to Lionel when I signed the contract. He told me that when I rejected the first offer from Barcelona he was disappointed because he had publicly talked about it. But when I arrived we became friends and are ready to fight side by side every day," added A. Griezmann. The French national team striker joined the Barcelona club in the summer of 2019. Before that, the footballer represented the Atletico Madrid and Real Sociedad clubs.