A. Tarchanovas promises drastic changes © EuroFootball.com

After losing 1-2 in two matches for the "Vilnius" club, the head coach of "Vėtra", Aleksandras Tarchanovas, stated that drastic measures will be taken within the team. "Some play with great enthusiasm, while others lack any fire. We will no longer tolerate such chaos. Those who do not want to play, will not play. The performance of some players is completely unsatisfactory," said A. Tarchanovas.

- According to the game today, you did not deserve to lose, what was missing to at least achieve a draw?

- We had the advantage, created many opportunities. In the second half alone, we could have scored at least three goals. Unfortunately, we did not capitalize on excellent chances. At the end of the match, Stankevičius, Raliukonis failed to score from a few meters. These are already psychological issues of the players. There were two different halves - in the first, our team came out without fire, we made serious defensive mistakes. During the break, we "got the devils", so the second half saw a different view on the field and we played much better than the opponents.

- You mentioned drastic measures, what will you do?

- I have two days for reflection. We have a lot of problems that need to be urgently addressed, as we are not yet hopelessly far from the leaders. Players who demonstrate poor performance will be moved to the bench. This primarily concerns Jankauskas. I think Usačiovas, who played today, deserves a place in the main lineup. I am satisfied with his performance, as well as Pedro and Severino. Panka also played decently, although he made quite a few mistakes.

- How do you assess the debut of goalkeeper Stanislav Kozyrev?

- Based on today's match, his performance cannot be evaluated. Both goals conceded were not his fault. The first one was when the opponent broke through one-on-one, the second one - after a ricochet into the "nine". He didn't have much work to do.