A. Wenger became interested in the opportunity to become the coach of "Bayern"

Arsene Wenger has already announced that he promises to return to football in January. However, the Frenchman could get a job earlier if the cards fall into "their places". As reported by "Le Parisien", the 68-year-old strategist is seriously considering a job at the Munich "Bayern" club. So far, there has been no contact between him and the Bavarian leaders, but Arsene Wenger himself is thinking about it. And there is a reason for the Frenchman to do this - "Bayern" team is not very successful under Niko Kovac, who has not won any of the last four matches before the national team break. According to the German media, N. Kovac's career at "Bayern" club is hanging by a thread - another poor performance or two and he could be shown the door. It is precisely for this reason that Arsene Wenger's desires are not so unrealistic.