A. Wenger: I would pay 50 million for Ozil again

“Arsenal” team strategist Arsene Wenger insists that, despite the poor form of the club's record signing, he would be willing to pay €50 million for Mesut Ozil once again.

The World Cup champion, who arrived in London from Real Madrid last summer, started the 2013-14 season very well, but later his performance declined.

Wenger tried to divert attention from Ozil's price and stated that bad play should be attributed to the whole team, not just one player.

“I would pay that money again. And that's clear. Believing that the team will play well, the burden cannot be placed on the shoulders of one magical player, because such footballers no longer exist today,” the Frenchman told journalists.

“Of course, I have to make him play well because of his price. However, I think that a player who costs one euro should have the same responsibility. After all, he himself did not pay those fifty million.”

“When I see the talent of any footballer, I think: what can I do to make him show the best game? It's not related to the price. It's just a coincidence that the transfer market is like that,” he added.

Ozil was also criticized by the German newspaper BILD after the loss to Borussia Dortmund. Wenger reacted skeptically to this.

“Why should he be the scapegoat? For what? We lost the first game since the first day of April. Let's be realistic,” he said.