There are only 2 years left until the 2018 World Cup, which is scheduled to take place in Russia. A total of 11 cities and 12 stadiums from that country will host the most important football event on the planet. The World Cup matches closest to Lithuania will take place in Kaliningrad. A stadium with 35,000 seats is being built in this closed and militarized city. However, the construction of the stadium is progressing slowly - it is said that the structure intended for the World Cup on Oktiabrskoje Island is still at the starting line. It is claimed that only the foundation of the stadium will now be laid. On Sunday, the stadium builders drowned one of their excavators. As a small river flows through Oktiabrskoje Island, the worker digging the ground with the excavator managed to "steer" the machine to the riverbank. The excavator slid into it and sank. It is believed that it will only be recovered on Monday morning. The construction of the Kaliningrad stadium, costing 11 billion rubles, should be completed exactly a year later - in March 2017. The stadium project is not original - it is explained that the design of the German stadium "Allianz Arena" was used as the basis. After the World Cup, the stadium in Kaliningrad is supposed to be named "Baltika" and the first Russian Football League club, Kaliningrad's "Baltika," will play there.