After ending his career, P. Čech returns to "Chelsea" club

Having hung up his football boots, Petr Cech embarks on a new career challenge - he starts working in the management of London's "Chelsea".

The 37-year-old goalkeeper ended his career at London's "Arsenal" club, where he spent the last four years. Nevertheless, he made the biggest mark in the "Chelsea" club, with which he decided to continue his further career.

It is announced in an official statement that the legendary "Blues" goalkeeper will take on the role of technical director. Petr Cech will advise both on the club's activities and on the issues related to the game.

"I feel privileged to have the opportunity to return to 'Chelsea' and contribute to the club's success, which has been ongoing for the past 15 years. I'm looking forward to starting work and using my experience to contribute to even better results in the future," - said Petr Cech.

The former goalkeeper at "Chelsea" spent a total of 11 years in the club. During this time, he managed to play almost 500 matches.