All 55 UEFA members publicly condemned the newly created Super League.

In the city of Montre in Switzerland, a regular UEFA Congress is currently taking place, and one of its issues is the association's position on the newly created Super League. All 55 UEFA member countries unanimously declared their condemnation of the creation of such an entity. "This congress was very intense and sparked significant discussions. Nevertheless, the main function of football is to unite, not divide the football community, so all 55 European associations unanimously spoke out against the newly created 'Super League' project," said Tomas Danilevičius, President of the Lithuanian Football Federation (LFF), participating in the UEFA Congress. The official UEFA statement reads: "UEFA Congress members are convinced that the emergence of such a closed entity contradicts everything that has been nurtured in European football for many years - unity, openness, support, and reliance on sporting values. UEFA and its members believe in a true European model based on open competition, solidarity, and redistribution to ensure the sustainability and improvement of the game and to safeguard long-nurtured values. Clubs that have made the decision to found a new league cannot comprehend that they have achieved their current status not by being isolated, but by being part of the European system where large, medium, and small clubs contribute to each other's success. It is revolting to the long-nurtured values of European football when clubs that decide to separate claim they can appropriate the legacy created by all teams. UEFA, its members, and all football-loving people will oppose with all their might the actions of these club leaders and those who support them. We know what is at stake and will defend football against the selfish clan who care little about the game. We are European football, they are not."