Angry fans upset by the rescheduled match in Germany organized an original protest on Monday

On Monday evening in Germany, for the first time this season the clubs of "Bundesliga" played matches on Monday, which greatly angered the fans of "RB Leipzig" and "Eintracht" who mistakenly protested against the matches not being held on the weekend.

The leaders of "Bundesliga" decided to move this confrontation to Monday in order to give more rest time to the "RB Leipzig" team, which had played a Europa League match on Thursday. However, this decision did not sit well with fans of both teams, who not only brought many posters condemning this decision to the match, but also forced the start of the second half to be postponed: onto the field the Germans threw thousands of tennis balls and toilet paper, which the field monitors had to pick up and extend the match for a few minutes.

Despite the fact that the leaders of "Bundesliga" plan to hold four more matches on Mondays during the remaining part of the season, it is believed that such a protest could force them to reconsider and move the matches back to the weekend.