Another Spanish law enforcement victim: A. Sanchez recognized for concealing taxes

The highest court in Spain today announced that 29-year-old "Manchester United" footballer Alexis Sanchez has been sentenced to 16 months in prison for tax evasion during the 2012-13 period.

At that time, A. Sanchez was playing for the "Barcelona" club. The Spanish court's findings state that the Chilean hid 1 million euros from the tax inspection for income received in his name.

It is reported that A. Sanchez admitted his guilt and will pay the hidden amount. The footballer will also manage to avoid jail time - in Spain, imprisonment is only imposed if the sentence exceeds two years.

In Spain, a number of football stars have already been accused of tax evasion: Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Jose Mourinho, Javier Mascherano, and many other prominent figures.

Sanchez will certainly not have any problems returning the money - the sum greater than a million is paid to him monthly at Manchester United.