Approaching the Champions League Atoms - bad news from Portugal © JumpStory

Europe's football association (UEFA) has decided that this season's Champions League will be concluded, but in an unusual way: with a final eight tournament, which will take place in several stadiums in Portugal from August 12-23. But not everything is simple in this corner of Europe, writes UEFA has chosen that after the coronavirus pandemic, Portugal will become a promised land for European football, which has been stuck in a battle against the spread of COVID-19 and the imposed quarantine. However, after UEFA's decision to release the grip of the coronavirus in Portugal, people relaxed so much that new cases began to rapidly increase. Starting from June 20, almost 400 new cases are recorded daily, with the total number surpassing 40 thousand. The most unfortunate situation is unfolding in Lisbon, where the Champions League final eight tournament is planned to take place. About 80% of new cases are recorded in the Lisbon metropolitan area, which raises great concern for both the Portuguese and UEFA.