Assessing C.Ronaldo's abilities in converting penalty kicks and free kicks

"Real" Madrid's and Portugal's national team leader Cristiano Ronaldo has already scored hundreds of goals during his illustrious career, but how is he doing when it comes to scoring penalties and free kicks? It has been calculated that in the UEFA Champions League, Premier League, La Liga tournaments, and international matches, the veteran has already scored 105 penalties and out of them, he has hit the target 87 times (82.9 percent). Only goalkeepers Carlos Kameni and Diego Alves have managed to save from Ronaldo's attempts twice each. 87 goals make up 16 percent of the player's accurate strikes in these tournaments (total of 544). When it comes to another set-piece situation, the situation is quite different. Representing Real Madrid in La Liga and UEFA Champions League, C.Ronaldo has taken 407 free kicks and opponents have been left disappointed only 30 times (7.3 percent). Throughout his career, the sniper has scored a total of 615 goals: 5 for Sporting club, 118 for Man Utd, 413 for Real, and 79 for Portugal's national team."