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11.00 London's "Chelsea" is planning to acquire London's "Tottenham" attacking midfielder Luka Modrić and "Valencia" midfielder Juan Mata for a total of 70 million euros. ("Daily Mail")
"Blackburn" still hopes to attract "Schalke" forward Raul, although the Spaniard has already rejected one offer from an English club. (ESPN)
"Liverpool" manager Kenny Dalglish has not ruled out the possibility of adding at least one more new player to the club before the end of the transfer window. (Various)
"Parma" is close to an agreement with Turin's "Juventus" forward Amauri. ("Tuttojuve.com")
"Levante" has signed a contract with midfielder Nabil El Zhar, who was released by "Liverpool". (Official)
"West Bromwich" continues negotiations with former "Man Utd" midfielder Owen Hargreaves and hopes that the injury-prone player will pass the medical examination. ("The Guardian")
Istanbul's "Galatasaray" forward Milan Baroš is attracting interest from teams such as Gelsenkirchen's "Schalke", Moscow's "Dynamo" and St. Petersburg's "Zenit". ("Chempionat.com")