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10.00 Former Birmingham "Aston Villa" club member John Carew, who has left after the contract expired, has signed with London's "West Ham". (Official)
Croatian goalkeeper Stipe Pletikosa, who was on loan to London's "Tottenham" last season, is moving from Moscow's "Spartak" to "Rostov". (Official)
London's "Arsenal" defender Cesc Fabregas is ready to lose 5 million euros and move to the "Barcelona" team. ("Daily Mail")
"Sunderland" is eyeing Craig Bellamy, whom "Man City" is trying to get rid of. ("Metro")
"Liverpool" has agreed on a 6 million euro fee to acquire "Newcastle" defender Jose Enrique. ("Daily Star Sunday")
London's "Tottenham" is interested in "Liverpool" midfielder Lucas Leiva. ("Fanatix")
"Roma" is negotiating with "Villarreal" for forward Nilmar. ("Il Corriere dello Sport")
Michel Bastos has dismissed rumors that he expressed a desire to leave the "Lyon" club and move to Turin's "Juventus". (Various)