A.Wenger: Don't Teach Us How to Spend Money

London's "Arsenal" team's head coach Arsene Wenger recently commented on the statements made by Jose Mourinho, claiming that other "Premier League" clubs are trying to "buy" the title.

"We spend money when we really need to. We don't listen to what other people say about this matter," the Frenchman said.

"We simply make the right decisions. If we have money - we spend it. If we don't have money - we don't spend it, because we simply don't have it.

You can't constantly listen to what other people say, because sometimes you get several comments per week. One about me spending too much, another one about me spending too little."

In recent years, "Arsenal" has been strengthened by two record purchases: Mesut Ozil, who cost 43 million pounds, and Alexis Sanchez, who cost 35 million pounds.