A.Wenger: "I do not regret the incident with J.Mourinho" (VIDEO)

London's Arsenal coach Arsene Wenger said he does not regret the incident that occurred during the match when the Frenchman clashed with Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho.

The strategist was questioned about the conflict after losing 0-2 in the Premier League match.

Gary Cahill's fouls against Arsenal's striker Alexis Sanchez sparked anger in Wenger.

"No, I don't regret it, why should I? I wanted to go from point A to B and someone attacked me along the way, without any warning signs. Point B was Sanchez - I wanted to see the severity of his injury.

"Honestly, I didn't listen to what Mourinho was saying," said Wenger.

"I think Oscar was lucky not to receive a red card for his repeated fouls. He was warned in the 88th minute, although he committed fouls whenever he had the chance. Branislav Ivanovic as well.

"During the match, the referee missed the fouls, but I noticed them myself."