A.Wenger: I regret one thing

The London "Arsenal" coach Arsene Wenger, who loves to develop young talents, talked about the biggest disappointment in recent years.

According to the Frenchman, over the past 10-12 years, it has been particularly painful for him that he can no longer devote enough time to work with the youth team.

"Now I just spend all my time with the main team and everything related to it.

The press has also started demanding a lot of attention, so I can no longer share much advice with young talents.

Of course, this is part of my job, which I could call my favorite.

I like to give young people a chance.

And nowadays, it is the most difficult part to integrate young players into the main team.

The final word in the "Arsenal" team belongs to me - I decide whether a player's level is sufficient to wear our kit," Wenger said.