A.Wenger: in the future, P. Vieira will take over the reins of the "Arsenal" team.

The most famous coach of all time of London's Arsenal team, Arsene Wenger, claims that a new specialist has emerged in France who may take over the reins of the capital city's team in the future.

That strategist is Patrick Vieira, who currently leads the club Nice, which is currently in 8th place in the Ligue 1 championship.

By the way, the Frenchman himself has played for the Arsenal team in the past, so he would return to his familiar environment.

"I see him one day leading the London team, but he is currently too young to dive into international football," explained A. Wenger.

"I think Patrick's life will be connected with club football, and he is very clever and patient in planning his career steps.

P. Vieira hung up his boots when he was young, then went to New York, and now he has moved to Nice, where he will have to spend some time maturing and learning his profession.

The coach also stands out in things that are not taught - he is charismatic, elegant, and authoritative," said A. Wenger.