A.Wengeras does not intend to be silent © EuroFootball.com

London's head coach Arsene Wenger has once again ignited the fire of discord with his colleague from the club, Jose Mourinho. This pair did not calm down all week and publicly argued intensively about their relationship, starting on Monday with Mourinho's comment speculating whether Wenger was obsessed with Chelsea and calling him a "voyeur."

The "Gunners" manager retorted: "I will comment on Chelsea's game whenever I want. No one can stop me from doing so. This is not a dictatorship. Jose Mourinho insulted me publicly, speaking about football in a way that was not about football."

On the other hand, Mourinho justified himself, saying he did not mean to offend anyone, and the Frenchman attacked him after Chelsea compiled a 120-page dossier with his comments about the Premier League champions. On Friday, Wenger was surprised that such a document even existed. "I don't even know what to say. I'm shocked because there has never been a dossier like that in our club," Wenger said.

On Thursday, Jose Mourinho agreed to apologize if the Arsenal head coach did the same. Nevertheless, Arsene Wenger, who intended to take similar actions against his competitor, showed no desire to reconcile: "For me, this story is over and I really don't want to talk about it anymore. If necessary, I will take appropriate actions, but I have not yet decided what they will be. If people say that my team plays poorly, that they don't like it, I can accept that. When I talk about football, I can say what other teams don't like, but I never wanted to offend anyone."

When I talk about football, I can say what other teams don't like, but I never wanted to offend anyone. I can repeat what I said at the beginning of the week - Jose Mourinho's comments were disrespectful and completely disconnected from reality. I cannot imagine what made him speak like that, but it does not prevent me from sleeping," the Frenchman said.

The Football Association, the League Managers' Association, and both clubs strictly instructed the head coaches to "watch their tongues."

It is speculated that on Thursday, Chelsea's executive director Peter Kenyon spoke on the phone with his colleague from Arsenal and agreed to end the war of words.

In addition, Wenger criticized journalists for often distorting his comments, taking them out of context, as was the case when Arsenal's head coach allegedly called Mourinho "a complete idiot."

Jose Mourinho on Arsene Wenger (comments): Mourinho began: "He is one of those voyeurs." Wenger retorted: "His comments are disrespectful and completely disconnected from reality." Mourinho continued: "We compiled a separate dossier with Wenger's comments about Chelsea." Wenger responded: "If someone attacks me, I defend myself." Mourinho justified himself: "If he is willing to apologize, I will do the same." Wenger did not calm down: "I will comment on Chelsea's game whenever I want and no one can stop me."