B. Rodgers: the fight against "West Ham" will be tougher than against "Arsenal"

"Liverpool" manager Brendan Rodgers believes that tomorrow's match against "West Ham" in front of London will be the toughest test of the season.

The "Reds" lost their first points on Monday in a battle against "Arsenal", but were saved by the goal construction and the fantastic play of goalkeeper Petr Cech at the Emirates Stadium. On the other hand, the linesman did not count a goal as a "Gunner" goal, which was scored according to the rules.

Before that, in two matches against "Stoke City" and "Bournemouth", "Liverpool" celebrated victories with a score of 1-0.

"The match against 'West Ham' at home will be the toughest of all four," Rodgers said. "They achieved a great result away (against 'Arsenal' - Eurofootball)."

However, although the "Hammers" started the season with an unexpected victory, they lost the next two matches to the clubs "Leicester City" and "Bournemouth".