Bad news for Z. Ibrahimović planning to return to the field © Zuma Press

„Milan“ team fans will need to arm themselves with patience, waiting for the return of striker Zlatan Ibrahimovič to the field. Although it was reported that the veteran successfully recovered from the head injury suffered in the match against „Napoli“ club and is already training, the 39-year-old Swede has suffered another injury. „La Gazzetta dello Sport“ writes that Z. Ibrahimovič is feeling foot pain. While other tests at the club will be carried out in the next 10 days, journalists have already consulted with doctors about the diagnosis of "hemorrhagic bruising." According to specialists, seeing torn muscle tissues, even with a very small amount of blood, may mean that Z. Ibrahimovič will have to rest for at least a month and will not play against the clubs „Sassuolo“, „Lazio“, „Benevento“, and „Juventus“.