Berlusconi's brother: Li Yonghong lost half a billion euros

A few years ago, Li Yonghong, who took over the "Milan" club with much fanfare, lost a huge sum of money and therefore was forced to hand over the team to the "Elliott Management" company.

This was reported by Silvio Berlusconi's brother, Paolo.

"I was shocked because he treated us very well and paid for everything. Of course, Silvio also showed a good heart - when Li did not pay the full amount of 200 million euros on time, he was allowed to do it in the future," said the Italian about the twists and turns of the sale of the "Milan" team.

"When the Chinese government changed its philosophy, Yonghong was left alone and lost all his colleagues. He disappeared because he lost even 500 million euros. Although this amount is unbelievable, it is true," said P. Berlusconi.