Bojanas about his first days in "Barco": "I was afraid to even take a bottle of water"

Bojan Krkic's career at the age of 28 could be described in one sentence - from being the future heir to Lionel Messi at Barcelona to playing in the Championship with Stoke City.

In 2007, B. Krkic made his breakthrough into the main Barcelona team. The first years of his career promised a dazzling career for the Spaniard, but problems with nerves and constant pressure on this player prevented him from reaching great heights - since 2014, he has been part of the Stoke City club.

Speaking in an interview, B. Krkic recalled his first days at the Barcelona club: "Bojan, who played for the Barcelona club, was a true footballer, but still not ready to make his way in the global world.

I was 17 years old and already playing for the Barcelona club. It was a huge shock for me. You know, it is not easy to tame emotions when you share a locker room with players like Eto'o, Puyol, Maxwell, and Iniesta. Of course, it was my dream, but living with this thought was not easy.

I remember my first day when we all sat about five meters away from the place where all the water bottles were placed. I was very thirsty, but I never took them, because I was afraid of doing something wrong."

In 2008, Bojan also had the opportunity to establish himself in the Spanish national team - he was invited to prepare for friendly matches, but experienced a panic attack which later led him not to go to the European Championship. The federation reported that the player did not play due to stomach problems, but the truth was quite different.

"I felt uncomfortable and had to stop everything," Bojan later said about the decision not to return to the national team. - I was still a child and everything happened so quickly. Later, I decided to skip the 2008 European Championship because I needed to distance myself from football and the surrounding media. I never regretted this decision."

Bojan Krkic played 163 games and scored 41 goals for the Barcelona team during his career.