Bookmakers identify the player who can become the most productive in the European Championship

At the "" conference, CBet bookmakers named a player who has a very real chance of becoming a top scorer in the European Championship.

"I think the player with the most potential to do so is Alvaro Morata. Spanish players create really good opportunities for him to score. I believe the most realistic number of goals would be 6, but considering this very unproductive championship, I would not be surprised if 5 goals were enough," the bookmaker wrote.

According to them, newly emerging teams could triumph in the championship.

"In my eyes, the favorites have changed slightly. Before the championship, I considered France favorites, but Germany has surpassed them. Now I would switch these teams around. Croatia and Wales have great chances of becoming dark horses. Their gameplay left a very positive impression on me. Of course, I was very surprised by the Italians, whom I had completely written off, but assigning them to this category would be tongue-in-cheek," said the representative.

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