"Borussia" released victory from their hands in the second half

"Bundesliga" 32nd round match still fighting for the championship title Dortmundo "Borussia" played 2:2 away with "Werder" team. The guests started the match very successfully and already in the 6th minute after a brilliant breakthrough, C. Pulisic sent the ball into the net. Towards the end of the first half, P. Alcaceras doubled BVB's lead with a fantastic penalty kick. "Werder" reduced the lead in the 70th minute when K. Mohwald's shot was very poorly saved by the "Borussia" goalkeeper R. Bürki. Just five minutes later, C. Pizarro equalized the score. This result did not satisfy either team, so an open game dominated the last 15 minutes on the field. "Werder" had a great opportunity to score with M. Rashica, while on the other side of the field C. Pulisic had a dangerous shot, but no more goals were scored. With two rounds left, "Borussia" is four points behind the leaders, the "Bayern" players. The 9th place "Werder" players have lost even their theoretical chances of fighting for a place in the Champions League. League table: