After the end of the season, Gareth Bale was rumored to be leaving Real Madrid. The Welsh national team footballer is very interested in the Manchester United team, but they may not buy G. Bale.
This is the opinion of former footballer Craig Bellamy. He is convinced that his compatriot's salary is too high for any club in the world.
"Where could he go? Manchester United can't afford his salary, no one can. Only one club can do it.
In the world he lives in now. He would have to drastically reduce his salary if he wanted to go anywhere. I'm sure he would agree, but realistically speaking, will anyone buy him? How can a club afford to buy a player for £80m or £90m?
The situation with Juventus and Cristiano Ronaldo is different, it's a different world of business. But in Gareth's case, you can't buy a player for £80m, £90m, or £100m without getting anything back. Maybe it would be part of some trade, but Gareth won't be part of that deal, he's too good a player for that.
I just don't think it's possible for him to go anywhere," C. Bellamy said.