C. Hudson-Odoi revealed why he decided to stay within "Chelsea" squad

One of the biggest talents of London's Chelsea, Callum Hudson-Odoi, signed a new contract in September, despite the strong interest of the German Bayern Munich in the 19-year-old English player.

The winger revealed that the decision to stay among the "aristocrats" was helped by a single conversation with Frank Lampard. The footballer also insists that he does not regret his decision.

"One conversation with the coach was enough. I can't exactly remember what Lampard told me, but he just showed confidence in me. He also said that I have to work hard and trust my abilities.

The coach showed that he wants me in his team. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. As a footballer, it's very important for me that the coach trusts me. I was very happy about Lampard coming to the team, as I knew that young players would get more chances to perform.

Since signing the contract, I repeat that I made the right decision. I have spent my whole life in this club and I love it very much," C. Hudson-Odoi said in a conversation with journalists.