The portal Goal.com announces that the leader of Madrid's "Real" Cristiano Ronaldo apologized to his team mates. A few days ago, after losing to the "Atletico" club, the Portuguese player stated that if everyone were as good as him, the "royal" club would be in first place. It is reported that the forward explained the situation that had arisen during Monday morning training. According to the footballer, his words were taken out of context, although he used strong expressions. In the team's locker room, Ronaldo admitted his fault for expressing his feelings in a poor manner, but said he did not intend to upset anyone. It is believed that the "Real" players understand the striker's situation and do not attach much importance to his statements. Nevertheless, the true unity of the "royal" club will be seen in Wednesday's match against Valencia's "Levante", where he may have to do without Marcelo, Sergio Ramos, Dani Carvajal, Gareth Bale, Karim Benzema and possibly Pepe.