After the national team break, Cristiano Ronaldo, who can relax, boasted his latest purchase today - a brand new "Ferrari" sports car.
The Madrid "Real" star shared a photo on the social network Instagram, posing next to a black "Ferrari" F12 TDF, with the caption "arrived."
The car purchased by the Portuguese in the United Kingdom market costs 340 thousand pounds sterling, and in the US market - 450 thousand dollars. This is a special F12 model designed for Tour de France winners in the 6th and 7th decades.
Interestingly, the F12 TDF, with a 6.3-liter engine, is only sold to special drivers who have already acquired at least five other "Ferrari" cars.
Ronaldo's newest purchase can reach a speed of up to 340 km/h. It will join the already owned supercars like "Bugatti" Veyron, "Bentley" GT Speed, "Aston Martin" DB9, and "Phantom Rolls-Royce."
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