C. Seedorf: We do not try to copy the "Juventus" style of play © EuroFootball.com

The new coach of "Milan" club Clarence Seedorf stated that he is trying to implement his own style of play, not copying someone else's.

"We are not trying to be like Turin's "Juventus". We are "Milan" and we want to be like that," the Dutchman said.

The former famous footballer assured that the winners of "Serie A" are not clear yet, because surprises can be expected from the players of "Roma" who are in second place.

"At first glance, it seems that "Juventus" are unbeatable, but the gold is not yet in their pockets.

"Roma" is a great club and a comeback in football is always possible. Of course, there is little chance that "Juventus" will stumble," Seedorf said.