"Calling the Stars, S. Biličius found out why he was fired"

A few days ago, Slaven Bilic, who was sacked from the coaching position of a London team, did not rest until he found out the whole truth.

The English media reported that the 49-year-old Croat immediately started calling the most famous players of the "West Ham" club as soon as he heard about the owners' decision, asking why it happened.

The stars were honest - the coach was simply not suitable to lead a team of this level. According to the club's leaders, S. Bilic was just too lax to lead such a high-level team.

The strategist was afraid to introduce stricter discipline in the team and did not dare to punish even the football players who were late for training.

Indeed, S. Bilic did not feel too down - his wallet was warmed by a £2 million compensation.

The new "West Ham" coach David Moyes will have to work hard - currently the team is in 18th place in the Premier League.