C.Dempsey - Soldier on the Battlefield, Changed by Sister's Tragedy (Article)

Fantastically starting the World Cup in the group of finalists, Clint Dempsey is an exceptional personality in the US national team.

The attacking forward, who scored one of the fastest goals in the tournament's history, always steps onto the field with a stone face. A smile and Clint? No, it's just incompatible, like water in the Sahara desert.

In the football field, C. Dempsey performs a special mission.

19 years ago, a tragedy struck in the American's family - due to a severe injury, his sister Jennifer left the world, and then still a teenager, Clint firmly promised himself to strive for heights in the football field and dedicate the goals scored to her.

In his childhood, Dempsey lived in a struggling large family. He first became interested in football when he saw Spanish-origin boys playing with a ball in the neighborhood.

"It hooked me. I felt like this game was created just for me," the future star said.

He couldn't stand the constant stops in American football or the breaks in baseball.

Accepted into training, Clint faced problems. Training took place three hours away from the child's home, and the family spent 120 US dollars a week on gasoline alone. His working sister, Debbie, worked overtime, and his father, Aubrey, had to part with his boat and gun collection.

The family even saved on food expenses, dividing one meal among four children.

"My parents were determined. They were willing to do anything for their children. Now it would be impossible because gasoline prices have skyrocketed," Clint remembers.

He had to compete with his sister Jennifer, who tried to reach heights in tennis. At one point, the parents decided to allocate the majority of the struggling family budget to Jennifer.

Soon a tragedy struck the family. One day, Dempsey was at a friend's house and received shocking news - his sister collapsed and was taken to the hospital. Soon it was revealed that there was bleeding in the brain.

The 12-year-old felt lost and kept asking everyone if there was hope to save his beloved person.

Suddenly, he remembered a conversation about death he had with his sister in the past: "If something bad happens, she promised to help me score goals...that's why I raise my hands to the sky after a precise shot and thank her."

The player's career flourished. In 2004, he debuted in the MLS league with the "New England Revolution" team and was recognized as Rookie of the Year.

Soon, the forward moved to the English Premier League and became a favorite of "Fulham" fans. The fans of the London club selected him as the Player of the Year twice.

In 2012, C. Dempsey reached the peak of his career - he moved to the "Tottenham" team for 6 million pounds. The determined American quickly adapted to the "Spurs" attacking system.

After a few weeks, the "Tottenham" fans carried him on their shoulders when the London club, for the first time in 23 years, defeated the "Manchester United" team 3-2 as an outsider. C. Dempsey scored the winning goal.

After a year, the footballer returned to his homeland for 9 million US dollars and put on the Seattle team's uniform.

Now, he is fighting in the World Cup in Brazil with his national team. And after each goal, he raises his hands to the sky, thanking his sister, who helped him become what he is now.