Champions League Final Intruder: A Influencer from Russia Deceived Me © scanpix

The UEFA Champions League final, marking the end of the European club season, was not without incidents.

Security personnel at Wembley Stadium had to constantly catch intruders trying to rush onto the field, and some managed to run around near the stars of Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund.

Now, in England, there are trials for those who broke the law, and one of them explained the motives behind his actions.

According to the young man, he was deceived by the Russian influencer Mellstroy, who promised to pay £300,000 to individuals who stormed the field wearing t-shirts marked with his name.

After the final, the intruder obviously received no money.

Now, the young fan will have to cover the court costs and behave well for six months – he has been given a suspended sentence from imprisonment.

Another man who ran onto the field also received a sentence – he is banned from entering stadiums in the United Kingdom for three years. Another intruder will hear his decision at the end of summer.

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