"Chelsea" seeks to acquire "Barcelona" defender C. Fabregas

In the English press, there are rumors that "Barcelona" defender Cesc Fabregas will return to play in the Premier League. As reported, in the race for the 27-year-old footballer's signature, London's "Chelsea" team is currently leading, after parting ways with Frank Lampard. "Manchester United" and London's "Arsenal" are also said to be competing for the Spaniard's signature.

The future of C. Fabregas in the Catalan team remains unclear. Some sources say he will stay in Barcelona, while others say he will leave. However, "Barca" could receive an offer of 36 million euros from one Premier League club in the near future.

The defender, along with the Spanish national team, has traveled to Brazil, so it is believed that the Spaniard's future will only be clear after the 2014 World Cup.

Last season, C. Fabregas stepped onto the pitch 55 times and scored 13 goals.