Chinese investors offer half a billion euros to L. Messi

Contract negotiations with "Barcelona" club trying to extend Lionel Messi are receiving offers from all over the world.

The 29-year-old Argentine has been tempted by famous European clubs for several seasons now, but an incomprehensible offer from China could make him reconsider.

In recent years, teams from the Chinese Super League have already attracted not a few world-famous stars who are not shy to receive astronomical salaries.

However, everything would be overshadowed by the future salary of L. Messi - AS reports that "China Fortune" offers to pay him 100 million euros for one season, and the contract could last up to five years.

His current contract with "Barcelona" is valid until the middle of 2018.

This season, 29-year-old L. Messi has scored 11 goals in the "La Liga" championship and has scored 10 more times in the Champions League.