Coach: Karčemarskas' absence in the national team will be compensated by other goalkeepers. ©

The preparation of the Lithuanian national football team for the EURO 2012 qualifying match in Liechtenstein on June 3rd is nearing its end.

One of the most important tasks this time falls to the team's goalkeeper coach Audrius Ramonas at the training camp in Austria starting on Monday.

He will need to decide who will guard Lithuania's goal on Friday, as Žydrūnas Karčemarskas won't be able to due to an injury.

There are three candidates - Ernestas Šetkus, Mindaugas Malinauskas, or Šarūnas Jurevičius. According to A. Ramonas, he has almost made up his mind, but the final decision will be made by the entire coaching staff on the eve of the match.

"Many are worried that Žydrūnas Karčemarskas, who often saved the team in the past, won't be able to play in the match," - A. Ramonas was asked by

"I don't see a big problem with Žydrūnas being absent. We trust those we call up to the national team along with the coaching staff and hope that there will be no issues.

"Currently, Ernestas Šetkus, Mindaugas Malinauskas, and Šarūnas Jurevičius look very good at the Lithuanian level. However, as goalkeepers, they are still young and lack experience.

"I can say categorically that Žydrūnas is now, and I think for a long time, the number one goalkeeper in Lithuania, and among those eligible to replace him, excluding Giedrius Arlauskis - let others not be offended - I do not see any other high-quality replacements.

"Žydrūnas already instills great confidence in the team just by being there. However, sometimes it's not beneficial for defenders. They know - 'there's Karčemarskas, he might save something if needed.'

"What form should the goalkeepers in the national team be in?

"I like that all three are, as I say, goalkeeper-workers. Through this work, they achieve a lot and will achieve even more in the future.

"I'm a little worried that Šetkus and Malinauskas have finished their championships. They tried to maintain their form with other clubs. However, they haven't rested for long and look pretty good in training.

"Of course, I would like them to use their feet more. But playing with their feet is a problem for all Lithuanian goalkeepers.

"What exactly do you mean by playing with feet?

"Playing with feet is when a goalkeeper, as it used to be, sort of performs the function of a dropping defender. He ventures far from the goal, leaving that area where he can grab the ball with his hands and helps the defenders in that way.

However, this needs to be learned from childhood. Unfortunately, children in our country are "thrown" into the goal from an early age, while in other countries, playing without a goalkeeper is common until the age of 12. This is how future goalkeepers learn to play with their feet.

"This problem is very topical in Lithuanian football. Only a few can do it. Perhaps such athletes appear only among young players.

"What other qualities are important for a good goalkeeper?

"A goalkeeper sees the whole pitch from his position. A good goalkeeper must lead the game. He can organize the whole defense with specific remarks, clear instructions.

"Rarely do we see this in Lithuania. Either they are completely 'silent,' as I say, or they shout when it's necessary and unnecessary, throwing players off balance.

"Žydrūnas Karčemarskas, although not multilingual, knows how to calm down when needed and motivate the team.

"This should be taught from childhood. A good goalkeeper, if he can't talk on the field, won't have a career in a good club. Often, there are two equivalent goalkeepers, but if you don't lead the game, you won't make it to the starting lineup.

"What is the work of the national team's goalkeeper coach?

"Together with the coaching staff, we analyze the opponents, their game, then model and assign tasks to the goalkeepers to prepare as well as possible. Training starts with a good warm-up separately from the team. Later, they join the collective training.

"The most important thing is to warm up well and prepare for the tasks set by the head coach. You can't achieve much in four days, you can only advise or direct.

"Matches with Liechtenstein will be difficult not only for the team but also for the goalkeepers - it's a completely non-standard match. Opponents can expect everything through counter-attacks, so we pay attention to these details and prepare for them.

"In your opinion, will our national team's goalkeeper have a lot of work in the match against Liechtenstein?

"With Liechtenstein, as well as with countries like the Faroe Islands, Luxembourg, it's very difficult to stand in goal because you don't have constant work. Unlike when playing against the Czechs or the Spanish.

"In such matches, there may be only one shot on goal, so you are constantly psychologically tense. It's better to work physically constantly than to wait like that.

"From my experience, there are times when you don't even get a shot on goal, but after the match, you feel like you've unloaded three wagons of metal.

"Every evening, the national team players gather in the massage room. Some just want to relax their muscles, others treat minor injuries. What about the goalkeepers, what injuries bother them?

"Similar to other team members. Primarily tendons. A common injury is battered elbows in falls, various shoulder injuries.

"However, I think goalkeepers are at risk of serious injury much more often than other players. Especially real goalkeepers who bravely fall, jump on their feet for the ball... We know very well that Czech Petr Čech stands with a protective helmet after a head injury. Šarūnas Jurevičius was unconscious for a few minutes in a match with "Atlantas." In Russia, there have even been deaths after head injuries.

"It is said that goalkeepers 'go crazy.'

"Returning to the national team goalkeepers. Is a leader emerging?

"I more or less know, but for now, I wouldn't want to name anyone, maybe something will change. Also, we will consult and decide with the entire coaching staff.

"Can we expect that the Lithuanian national team's goal will be safe?
