Confession of A. Songo: "I moved to "Barcelona" only for the money" © AFP

In the past, famous Cameroonian footballer Alex Song didn't hide the fact that he left London's "Arsenal" club because of money. Despite playing for one of the biggest clubs in England, A. Songas claims that he couldn't save any money, so he decided to accept Barcelona's offer and reconcile with fewer minutes on the field, but a bigger paycheck. "I spent eight years at Arsenal, but I started to earn enough to enjoy life only after four years," the player said. "During that time, I spent a lot of money - I dined in luxury restaurants and traveled a lot. During all those eight years, I couldn't save even 100 thousand pounds sterling in my bank account. I thought I was a millionaire, but the reality was different - I was earning only 15 thousand per week. I remember vividly when I signed my first professional contract, I was very excited. I went to training and saw the car Henry arrived in. I asked myself why I couldn't have one like that. Since I was a footballer, I just went to a company, signed a contract, and got the same car as Henry. But after two months, I realized my bank account was shrinking, so I had to switch to a Toyota," A. Songas reminisced.

Talking about his move to Barcelona, A. Songas emphasized that he immediately knew he wouldn't be a star player in that team. "I knew about Barcelona's interest. The club director immediately said not to expect a lot of playing time, but I said it didn't matter to me because I knew I would make millions there," the defender revealed the true motives behind the deal.