Court Sends J. Mascherano to prison, but Argentinean will escape with a fine

Today, the second court hearing took place regarding the tax evasion case of "Barcelona" defender Javier Mascherano.

The 31-year-old footballer failed to prove his innocence and the court found the Argentine guilty. Mascherano was sentenced to one year in prison and a fine of 800 thousand euros for tax evasion in 2011 and 2012.

However, the Argentine national team member will avoid imprisonment. The lawyer representing the footballer has already submitted a request to change the years behind bars to a fine of 21 thousand euros because, according to Spanish law, if the sentence of imprisonment is less than two years and the crime is non-violent, it is not necessary to serve time in prison.

It is expected that the court will accept this request, as the Argentine cooperated with law enforcement throughout the investigation. Additionally, this type of crime is not considered serious, so Mascherano will not have to spend a year in prison.

It is worth noting that a similar case is ongoing regarding the tax evasion of the world's best football player Lionel Messi.