COVID-19 scary not for everyone: Neymar invites 150 guests to New Year's Eve celebration © JumpStory

Although the world is greeting the biggest holidays of the year with gloomy moods and staying indoors due to the coronavirus pandemic, some are not ready to give up the usual New Year's parties. The portal "Goal" reports that Paris Saint-Germain star Neymar has already laid the groundwork for a New Year's Eve party, which will attract around 150 people to his luxurious villa in Brazil. The company organizing the party at the footballer's villa, "Agencia Fabrica," denied rumors that more than 500 people will attend the party and stated that everything is coordinated with the authorities, and guests must adhere to strict hygiene rules. It is reported that the party at Neymar's villa will last for a few days. COVID-19 has significantly affected Brazil. The country currently has more than 7.5 million cases of the disease, and has lost the lives of 192 thousand people.