D. Alves's agent: first "Barcelona" offer - rejected

"Barcelona" agent Dinorah Santa Ana, representing Daniel Alves' interests, confirmed on Wednesday that an offer from the Catalan club has been received for her client. On Thursday, she revealed more details and noted that "the player is not satisfied with the conditions".

However, D. Santa Ana expressed hope that negotiations would not break down and the footballer would remain in "Barcelona", because, according to the agent, "he himself really wants that".

During a specially arranged press conference, D. Santa Ana pointed out that her client has an offer from another club based on the formula 3+1, with the defender's salary increasing each season.

According to the agent, this information was relayed to "Barcelona" negotiators, who immediately stated that the Catalan club could not offer the same terms.

Prior to the "El Clasico" match, "Barcelona" Technical Committee member Javier Bordas explained the conditions of the initial offer to the agent.

"Danieli Alves was offered a three-year contract based on the formula 1+1+1. We were not satisfied with this. We proposed signing a contract based on the formula 2+1 with the possibility of extending it after the second season if the player played at least 70 percent of official matches. "Barcelona" representatives said that such an offer was unacceptable to them", - explained D. Santa Ana during the press conference.

The agent also noted that the latest offer from "Barcelona" is also currently not satisfying to her client.

The Catalan club offers a three-year contract based on the same formula 1+1+1, with the possibility to extend collaboration being considered after each season, if the player plays at least 60 percent of official matches.

"Negotiations are currently at a standstill. We will consider other offers received, but that does not mean that discussions with "Barcelona" are over. Daniel still prefers them", - said D. Santa Ana.

Dani Alves' agent also denied rumors that one of the clubs offering a contract to the player is "Paris Saint-Germain": "There are currently no contacts with this club".
