D. Lovren, believing in conspiracy theories, blames B. Gates for the coronavirus © JumpStory

„People are not blind. Game over, Bill" - this message was sent by Dejan Lovren, a defender for the „Liverpool“ team, to one of the wealthiest people in the world. The Croatian player, known for his bold statements on the social network „Twitter“, previously referred to himself as the best defender on the planet. However, in the presence of the COVID-19 virus, D. Lovren has sparked controversy. The footballer believed in a conspiracy theory that Bill Gates is to blame for the coronavirus pandemic. A similar claim was previously attempted to be spread by Croatian conspiracy theorist Ivan Pernar. He claimed that B. Gates aims to control people through the coronavirus and implant microchips in them.

This tweet directed at B. Gates was written by the 30-year-old D. Lovren after the billionaire shared a video thanking healthcare workers. The statements of the „Liverpool“ defender attracted attention, including from former footballer and now infamous conspiracy theorist in the United Kingdom, David Icke. However, the statements of such individuals should be viewed with extreme caution, and internet giants have decided to take stricter measures to combat fake news.

Various conspiracy theories posted by D. Icke on social media have already been deleted by both Facebook and Youtube. Meanwhile, D. Lovren's social media account on „Twitter“ has also been suspended."
