D. Simeone: My son has everything he needs, but I would never buy him into my team.

Madridth „Atletico“ team strategist Diego Simeone is of the firm opinion that he would not buy his son Giovanni for any team.

Currently, G. Simeone shines in the ranks of „Fiorentina“. Last season, the footballer scored 14 goals and made 5 assists in 38 matches in the „Serie A“ championship. Despite the good game of the Argentine, D. Simeone would not want to see him in his team.

„My son has everything he needs to play in my team, but I would never buy him.

Unfortunately, I will never try to lure him into my team. Although I don't want to completely rule out that possibility, it would be really difficult to have my son in the same team.

It would be difficult for me, difficult for him, and for our relationship. And besides, he is doing well now, and maybe one day when I am not at „Atletico“, he can come here. I really enjoy watching him in the national team. He has all the ingredients to be a successful footballer,” said D. Simeone.

This season, G. Simeone scored a goal and made an assist in two matches in the „Serie A“ championship.