D. Simeone: one day I will coach "Inter"

"Atletico" coach Diego Simeone confirmed his son Giovanni's statements that he will one day lead the Milan "Inter" club. The Argentine represented the "Nerazzurri" team while still a player, and in 1998 he won the UEFA Cup with them. At the moment, he is considered one of the best coaches in the world, so it's no surprise that many top European clubs are interested in his services. "It's normal for my son, father, sister, or wife to say that in the future I will coach 'Inter', because they know that one day I will lead 'Inter'," Simeone said at a press conference. However, he did not talk about his immediate plans: "I have nothing to say about my future. Everything is very clear." Currently, "Atletico" is in fourth place in the Spanish championship.