D. Simeone's son about his father: he will take over the "Inter" wheel

Who can know better than a son? Diego Simeone's son and "Fiorentina" team player Giovanni Simeone is convinced that his father will return to Italy.

It is said that the strategist of Madrid's "Atletico" should move to Milan's "Inter" in the future, where he also played as a footballer. D. Simeone himself has spoken more than once about his love for the "Inter" team.

"I think that time will come," Giovanni said when asked about his father's move to "Inter". "He is happy at 'Atletico' team at the moment, but that day will definitely come."

D. Simeone with "Atletico" has won "La Liga" championships, the Europa League, and became the runner-up in the Champions League.