In the football world - innovations. FIFA has decided to test a controversial computer system that will help the referee decide whether the ball really crossed the goal line. The principle of operation of the new "Smartball" technology is not very complicated - a microchip will be embedded in the ball, which will transmit a signal to the referee as soon as the ball crosses the goal line. Until now, such decisions were usually made by the sideline referee. The technology will be tested in the upcoming world youth championship (under 17) which will take place in Peru. If the experiment is successful, "Smartball" will be used in the 2006 Men's World Cup. "We will definitely use the technology in Germany if the experiment is successful," said FIFA president Sepp Blatter. In the youth tournament starting on September 16, a total of 32 matches will be played. If the new technology is not needed in any match, special additional matches will be held where the system will be used. However, S. Blatter reassured that this is likely to be the only innovation in football related to the latest technologies: "These innovations will be enough, as football must maintain its humanity and accept mistakes. If we make football too scientific, it will lose its charm."