Two more teams have emerged that made it to the top 8 in Europe - Portugal and Germany. The world vice-champions, the Dutch, did not secure their spots. The Dutch media openly express dissatisfaction, while the Danes who have been eliminated boast about their national team, with the Portuguese and Germans triumphing. "Germany the ruler of the quarterfinals" - announces the newspaper "Deutche Welle". Germany is proud of their national team and coach Joachim Loew's decisions. The only change in the match against the Danes was the presence of Lukas Podolski on the field from the beginning of the game, playing his 100th international match. At only 27 years old, no other European footballer has achieved this. "Having become the leader of their group, Germany has real chances to win the title," Germans are looking optimistically towards the future, with the Greeks awaiting them in the quarterfinals. Germany shattered the Danes' hopes to continue their run in the championship. To them, this is a "huge disappointment" as recognized by "Jyllands-Posten". Journalists regret the elimination, but not the national team's performance: "Denmark's football boys fought and played to the best of their abilities. Nothing less." The Danes value their performance as the best of their entire international career. Having entered the group of death, they are glad they were able to maintain the intrigue. Everyone who fought are heroes. In the eyes of Europe, they earned respect. "The footballers played with all their heart and did not let themselves be crushed by the group favorites," summarizes "Sporten.dk". "A shameful farewell" - the Dutch press sees their team's withdrawal from the championship in a completely different light. Firstly, they demand coach Berto van Marwijk's resignation from his position. "In the last 11 matches, the Dutch suffered 7 defeats. This cannot continue." "The Guardian" described the match with Portugal as a massacre, with Cristiano Ronaldo, the scorer of the brace, seen as the executioner of the Dutch. "The Netherlands - a mockery of the European Championship," the media will not forgive the team for their poor performance. The reason for the failure is also attributed to excessively egocentric footballers who could not control their individual ambitions. "Christiano Ronaldo is alive. He survived to strike decisive blows to the Netherlands," the national hero is celebrated in Portugal. "Ronaldo's second goal was like a surgical knife, cutting through the Dutch orange left bleeding in the group of death," the "Expresso" newspaper poetically commented on the Dutch misfortune.
Read more: http://www.15min.lt/naujiena/sportas/euro-2012/nyderlandu-spauda-po-iskritimo-is-euro-2012-christiano-ronaldo-musu-budelis-579-227056#ixzz1y7wf5CCB