E. Dieris sparked a conflict with his team's fans after losing in the FA Cup

London's Tottenham on Wednesday withdrew from the FA Cup competition when they had to admit Norwich's advantage in the quarterfinals after a penalty shootout. There was also an unpleasant incident after the match. It was recorded how Tottenham footballer Eric Dier stormed into the stands, where he got into a conflict with his team's fans. This incident was also commented on by Jose Mourinho, who said that fans were trying to insult E. Dier's family members in various ways. "Dier behaved in a way that professionals should not behave. However, it must be recognized that under similar circumstances, almost all of us would behave similarly. When someone insults you and your family members, in this particular case Eric's younger brother, then you act in a way that professionals should not. However, I will repeat that we would all do something similar. In this situation, I support and understand my player. If the club decides to punish Dier, I certainly will not agree," Mourinho said after the match.

Full footage of Eric Dier jumping over the stands and going over to confront a fan who was insulting & abusing his brother. Brotherly love, I respect that. pic.twitter.com/5xeSQ8Vj5a