Echoes of Champions League semi-finals: "Formula-1" star left astonished

„Red Bull“ pilot Max Verstappen doubts that the scenario of the „Champions League“ could ever be repeated in „Formula 1“, writes

The Dutchman admitted following the „Champions League“ semi-finals, in which the teams of „Tottenham Hotspur“ and „Liverpool“ managed to overcome their opponents after trailing by three goals and reach the final.

„At that time, I was having dinner and following the events on my phone. The last seconds between „Ajax“ and „Tottenham“ were dramatic. I didn't watch the other matches because I was flying at that time, but when I landed, I found out the result,“

„I am a PSV fan, but I wanted „Ajax“ to win. But unlike some of my friends, I didn't cry. Several friends were very disappointed. One of them, when I wrote 'Unlucky', replied to me only after an hour. I wasn't that disappointed. But it would have been nice to see „Ajax“ in the final,“

„Could something similar happen in „Formula 1“? I don't think so. A driver would have to be three laps behind and then suddenly win the race. It's just a different sport, where different things happen. One race can determine who will become the champion. It's different here, we participate in 21 races,“