"Empoli" impressively turned the game upside down and defeated "Napoli" with a score of eleven. © JumpStory

On Sunday afternoon, the "Empoli" team delivered a painful blow to the "Napoli" footballers still fighting for the championship title. The Neapolitans painfully wasted a two-goal lead and lost the match with a score of 3:2. The first goal of the match came in the 44th minute. After a perfect pass from a teammate in the penalty area, Dries Mertens coolly defeated the opponents' goalkeeper. The guests started the second half as well as they finished the first. In the 53rd minute, Lorenzo Insigne sent the ball into the bottom right corner of the goal with a precise shot. However, the hosts did not give up and at the end of the match turned the game around in an impressive manner. Aurelio Andreazzoli's disciples managed to score three goals in 8 minutes. In the 80th minute, Liam Henderson seized his chance in the penalty area and sent the ball into the goal without error. Just three minutes later, the score was level. Taking advantage of a catastrophic mistake by goalkeeper Alex Meret, Andrea Pinamonti scored. In the 87th minute, Andrea Pinamonti scored a double. The Italian, after a pass from his teammate, shot into the left side of the goal, leaving no hope for the opponents' goalkeeper. After these matches, Napoli's chances of fighting for the title of Italian champions became minimal. Neapolitans are 5 points behind the current leaders "Inter", who have played one less match.